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Blood 2 updated demo

Blood 2 updated demo

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Developer's DescriptionBy GT InteractiveFire at your enemies in full 3D action.Take control of any one of ""The Chosen"": four characters who inhabit a dark near-future world reminiscent of Blade Runner and The Crow. Become Caleb, the vicious protagonist from the original Blood, his cold-blooded love Ophelia, the ruthless Ishmael, or the unrelenting warrior Gabriela. Blood II uses the Lithtech engine that powers Shogo: Mobile Armor Division, which gives you the power to blow up walls, knock down buildings, scar surfaces with explosions and bullets, and interact with objects beyond the level of simply collecting keys and destroying things. You must destroy or interact with everything if you want to survive. Take on up to 32 of your friends via modem, network, and Internet in grueling Bloodbath competitions, or take on the game itself in cooperative play. Bloodbaths include humiliation kills that allow you to gloat over your victory while your victim watches helplessly. This demo of Blood II features two single-player levels, six blood-curdling weapons, and a collection of bloodthirsty baddies to check out until the release of the final version. This updated version of the demo includes improved frame rate and various bug fixes.
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