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Developer's DescriptionBy Rex YazilimAutomate the Ogame gameplay with a bot.* Ruined Ruined tracking and scanning * Time-sensitive feature of the fleet, eg lifting, 2 hours after the flotilla x: x: x to x: x: x lift. * Alarm system. Work until you close it. (Spy or only attack when the choice is yours when it comes to attack ) * If you attack or spy, Bot will send mail to you * Locked the fleet flight. * All of the colonies, or moons, randomly will automatic click. * Automatic login the game * When you select auto fleet hijacking attack the planet. * Fleet escape rate calculation (3:1 and 5:1) * Trading operations calculate (Metal-Crystal-Deuterium) * Auto-loot, making the automatic probing the coordinates, you want the planet Fleet uninstall feature. * Auto-off feature is a sleeper. * Automatic Self-Defense Fleet and making are available.