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Infernal demo

Infernal demo

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Developer's DescriptionBy PlayLogicFind as a fallen angel against Etherlight, heaven's secret agency.Infernal tells the story of Ryan Lennox, a fallen angel now recruited by hell to fight Etherlight, heaven's own secret agency. Etherlight has eliminated most of hell's earthly agents and is planning its final blow against its archrival. Ryan, hunted by his opponents, is left to take them on single-handed, armed with a vast arsenal of weapons and supernatural powers. The captivating plot sends him from ancient monastery catacombs and secret mountain hideouts to sprawling harbor docks and oil refineries, before finally facing the ultimate showdown.Ryan Lennox will need all his powers to find out what's really behind Etherlight's plans, while he unleashes hell with every single weapon in his hand.This demo includes an early-game mission in a cloister and a limited tutorial.
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