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Developer's DescriptionBy JustScrabbleGenerate solutions for a scrabble game.Copy out the game grid to Scrabble Solver and let it generate all possible matched words and sort by score, alphabetical. Counts in all existing bonuses while calculating score, including first word double score bonus.Previews selected word in grid as required.Estimates next moves of opponent.Covers all words in dictionary, anyone could manage existing words.Provides following-up more than 20 games at the same time.User can save and load games to continue later.User can see remaning letters livingly.Shows meanings of words quickly!User can search words with options "containts, starts with, ends with, key to pattern" by using WordFinder sub-application.Offers English and Turkish dictionaries and many more will be added soon.12 different game patterns;Turkish (Could be used for Kelimelik game in Android and IOS)StandartAlpha JaxAngry WordsDroidWords,Lexulous,Literati,Wordfeud,WordsByPost,WordsWithFriends,WordsSmith,WordWise