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Cat Breed Auto Identify Photo

Cat Breed Auto Identify Photo

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Developer's DescriptionBy NikashaWhat is the application...What is the application?It specifies the breed of cat by pictures using your device's camera or image gallery. And as can be recognized by the human photos which of cats he most resembles. And just for fun, the application can guess which cat you or your friends could be.How does it works?Picture is input to the expert system based on neural networks and its output formed hypothesis what breed of cat is shown in this photo. The properties of neural networks such that even a photo on which there is no cat will be associated to varying degrees with the familiar cat breeds.What is recognition accuracy?The system trained to recognize 71 breeds of cats by 200 thousand photos. In the last version of the application accuracy of breeds recognition was 70% in the 200 thousands of photos.Experiments with neural networks are continuing, so the number of recognized breeds will be increased, and Recognition quality will improve in new releases.Goals For Future.It will be added to supplement the training set of cat photos your examples and thus continuously expand the number of cat breeds and recognition accuracy. The purpose of the project to create an expert system able to classify all known breeds of cats from photos.
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